SOS El Arca Animal Rescue:
Since 2011, Sos el Arca Animal Rescue, Playa del Carmen, rescues street dogs and cats who are hurt, diseased and hungry. They receive veterinarian care and sanctuary until we find loving homes. Impoverished communities of Playa benefit from our monthly Spay and Neuter Campaigns to reduce the street animal population.

Be A Hero: Feed An Animal Fur-Ever
Consider making a recurring monthly donation, instead of one time ❤️
Our 4 legged residents at the shelter consume PER DAY:
- 2 large bags of dry dog food = $70 usd
- Medicine for our hospital = $100 usd
- Doctors and caretakers and helpers = $130 usd
All SOS el Arca Animal Rescue and myself want to thank from the bottom of our heart all the volunteers who came to help.
So many for the doggy baths but also 14 people from Europe and Canada who have been here now 2 months and cleaned up the bodegas (storage rooms) the shelter in general and our cats rooms, doing laundry , cleaning crates, bowls , floors , ventilators, etc
You are all incredible pe ... See MoreSee Less
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Volunteers are welcome and greatly needed for March 8th, Saturday Doggy Baths 11:30am-3:00pm 🙏❤️!
This is crucial part of our weekly routine to keep our dogs clean and healthy, physically and mentally. They LOVE IT!
Please be a part of our community caring for our shelter dogs. We can only do good as a community, so we need to unite our efforts to help those who depend on us ❤️
Please make a diff ... See MoreSee Less
137Cande Tarelli, Chica Yeye Yeye and 18 others reacted to this
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Kobá VillagranEsta atendiendo el veterinario? Me urge saber si no para buscar a alguien mas! Gracias!
3 days ago2 Replies
UPDATE ON NENA ... See MoreSee Less
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Lucy Aburto Barjau📢🙏
7 days agoCorrine Andreasenoh she’s so precious. thank you for helping her. 💗
7 days agoUpdate on JET
We were able to save JET’s leg thanks to all your donations and specially to the wonderful person who wants to adopt her in Germany together with already 3 of our SOSELARCA dogs: INDIA, JIMMY (the tripod) and CONGO
In case of complications of her leg Marta, the adopter, said she has no problem to take care of further surgeries if necessary.
So our beautiful little puppy girl has stil ... See MoreSee Less
24Julie-Anne Huard and Yessica Duran Ramirez like this
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I want to thank our wonderful team of volunteers ANNA, DEENA, SUSAN, JUDY, KATIA who came from Canada and Switzerland and stay in Playa del Carmen to come almost daily, the whole day, to help us in the hard working part.
Also thousands thanks to JUDI SHAW, for always helping with Fundraising.
You are amazing ladies.
We had twice a lunch together who helped us knowing each one more and making strat ... See MoreSee Less
5352Leona Lepine, Donna Vasquez and 103 others reacted to this
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Anna Sara Korzelius
Lopez Gonza Yoss
Danielle PoulinAwesome
Jorge Huatejemplo aseguir vecinos
Carla RichardsonWonderful, kind and thoughtful ladies!
Destiny Scrivener- PufferLOVE LOVE LOVE!!! VOLUNTEERS make a huge difference!!
Sindy KuEl mejor equipo
Sindy KuQue dios los cuide mucho para que sigan asiendo el cambio para los perritos
Victoria O'NeilMany deep felt thanks to each and everyone of you for all of your hard work. It is people like each of you who make us regain faith that there are truly selfless, loving, caring individuals in this world.🥰🐾❤️🥰🐾❤️
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TITO, ADA, JOPLIN, IGOR, BORIS and THEA went this week to their forever homes.
We thank all our supporters who helped making theses puppies vetting possible.
These are from 3 different litters who arrived and Igor who was bitten by a bigger dog and then hit by a car as he could run away from the dog.
Thanks to each of you, volunteers and donators, who made it possible growing them to heathy puppie ... See MoreSee Less
2041Annie Dejean, Phil Ellett and 59 others reacted to this
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Aleksandra SetckaAmazing!!!
1 week agoCynthia VandammeSuper. Veel geluk samen. 👍😉
1 week agoVolunteers are a crucial element of our work! Every Saturday from 11:30am till 3:00pm we have Doggy Baths where volunteers give our shelter dogs baths and take them for walks.
It’s vital time they wait all week and crucial work to keep the dogs clean and healthy. The dogs learn that humans are good and volunteers help erase negative memories our rescues have.
Our dogs rely on volunteer support gre ... See MoreSee Less
84Chica Yeye Yeye, Omar Meza and 10 others reacted to this
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See you at 11:30
Thank You 🙏🏻 ... See MoreSee Less
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